Friday, October 9, 2009

Delusions of Grandeur

Why is it that when some people call to make a reservation they ask to speak to the owner? Seriously... am I incapable of handling that very complicated task of taking your name, number, special requests, time and date of the reservation? A monkey can do just want to have the Boss handle it...makes you feel special... like you're so important the Boss would want to know! Get a grip! Why don't you get treatment for your Narcissistic Personality Disorder! (Or is it Histrionic Personality Disorder? What the hell do I know, I'm only a waiter!)

Why is it, that when some people call to make a reservation they insist on telling me that they are "friends of the owner". Please! I've worked for the owner for over ten years, and I have no idea who the f--k you are! I can read you like a cheap Harlequin! You are hoping that this so called "connection" garners you a few freebies. You cheap bastard! I'm guessing that when you come in, if you're such good friends, the owner will remember you! I'm quite certain you don't need to point it out! (On the I give a shit! I do my best to be attentive and cater to your every whim regardless of your relationship to the owner...what more do you want?)

Advice for the Day:

Pick a good restaurant where the staff is trained to treat everyone well - regardless of who you know!

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