Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Waiter Scorned

I bring your bread and butter...
You are my bread and butter...
Two facts we should all remember.

Trust me when I tell you that there is nothing worse than a waiter scorned. Of course, I am referring to a waiter that recieves a terrible tip (or a tip that might have been good in the late 50's), despite having provided excellent service.
Also, if you think that leaving a crappy tip will remain your dirty little secret, think again. We do talk about our tables...the good, the bad, and the ugly! In fact, we can get so bitter that we pick a notoriously bad tipping patron (having come to this conclusion after years of serving him or her), and we use his/her name as a phrase for representing when we get stiffed on a tip. So, for illustrative purposes only, if the worst tipper that comes into the restaurant is named Chadwick - then we subsequently say to other waiters "We just got Chadwicked!" any time we get a cheap tip. Do you want that to be your namesake? I think not!

Note: Chadwick was chosen at random for illustrative purposes...good waiters don't usually bash the patrons outside of their closely knit circle of co-workers.

Advice for the Day:

If you have had a pleasant meal, with a courteous and helpful waiter, LEAVE AN APPROPRIATE TIP! A tip for the year 2009, that is...not 1957!

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